Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-03-28
1.punkpeye / awesome-mcp-servers 简介:A collection of MCP servers. Star:18127 Fork:1189 Today stars:1368 2.Shubhamsaboo / awesome-llm-apps 简介:Collection of awesome LLM apps ...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-03-28
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-03-28 23:55分左右的数据 1.Decomposing a Factorial into Large Factors 中文标题:将阶乘分解为大因子 网站: terrytao.wordpress.com HN评论...
[转载]HelloGitHub 第 108 期
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[转载]科技爱好者周刊(第 343 期):如何阻止 AI 爬虫
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Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-03-27
1.khoj-ai / khoj 简介:Your AI second brain. Self-hostable. Get answers from the web or your docs. Build custom agents, schedule automations, do deep research. Turn any online or l...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-03-27
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-03-27 23:55分左右的数据 1.Launch HN: Continue (YC S23) – Create custom AI code assistants 中文标题:发布HN:Continue(YC S23)——打...
Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-03-26
1.browser-use / browser-use 简介:Make websites accessible for AI agents Star:49189 Fork:5119 Today stars:767 2.ourongxing / newsnow 简介:Elegant reading of real-time and hotte...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-03-26
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-03-26 23:55分左右的数据 1.AI will change the world but not in the way you think 中文标题:人工智能将改变世界,但方式可能出乎你的意料 ...
Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-03-25
1.joanrod / star-vector 简介:StarVector is a foundation model for SVG generation that transforms vectorization into a code generation task. Using a vision-language modeling archit...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-03-25
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-03-25 23:55分左右的数据 1.VGGT: Visual Geometry Grounded Transformer 中文标题:VGGT:视觉几何基础Transformer (技术说明:采用'视觉几...