Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-01-06
1.unclecode / crawl4ai 简介:🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper Star:21457 Fork:1542 Today stars:1511 2.stanford-oval / storm 简介:An LLM-powered...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-01-06
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-01-06 23:55分左右的数据 1.Dive into Time-Series Anomaly Detection: A Decade Review 中文标题:深入探索时间序列异常检测:十年回顾 在这...
Product Hunt每日热榜 | 2025-01-05
Product Hunt在PST (太平洋时间)每日凌晨0点更新数据,本热榜为PST时间2025-01-05日的数据。 1. OpenBolt 标语:免费AI驱动的全栈项目构建器 介绍:使用OpenBolt,轻松实现提示、运行、编辑和部...
Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-01-05
1.stanford-oval / storm 简介:An LLM-powered knowledge curation system that researches a topic and generates a full-length report with citations. Star:17385 Fork:1565 Today stars...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-01-05
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-01-05 23:55分左右的数据 1.The day I taught AI to read code like a Senior Developer 中文标题:那天,我教会了AI像资深开发者一样阅读代码...
Product Hunt每日热榜 | 2025-01-04
Product Hunt在PST (太平洋时间)每日凌晨0点更新数据,本热榜为PST时间2025-01-04日的数据。 1. Dreamina 标语:一站式AI创意套件,满足你所有艺术创作需求 介绍:Dreamina是一款专注于制作精美...
Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-01-04
1.stanford-oval / storm 简介:An LLM-powered knowledge curation system that researches a topic and generates a full-length report with citations. Star:16406 Fork:1503 Today stars...
Hacker News 今日TOP 20| 2025-01-04
Hacker News数据实时更新,本TOP选取北京时间2025-01-04 23:55分左右的数据 1.Combining 15s interval whole-sky-camera photos to form a 4y spanning keogram 中文标题:将每隔15秒拍摄的全天...
Product Hunt每日热榜 | 2025-01-03
Product Hunt在PST (太平洋时间)每日凌晨0点更新数据,本热榜为PST时间2025-01-03日的数据。 1. Outpost 标语:向专家提问,必得回应 介绍:让来自微软、亚马逊和Meta等顶尖公司的专业人士为你的...
Github Trending 今日热门项目 | 2025-01-03
1.louis-e / arnis 简介:Generate any location from the real world in Minecraft Java Edition with a high level of detail. Star:3061 Fork:71 Today stars:989 2.bytedance / monolith...